Randy Hammitt's Garage

Randy, Craig & Harry
at Carlisle

Used to be one shark, then two sharks, now it's three sharks... click on each of the sharks on the far left to see more about my Maco's.


Here are pictures of my garage, Johnny Maco and myself. Click on a picture to see the larger version.

1973, Craig's & 1969 1969, Craig's & 1973 Johnny Maco
Randy 1969 & 1976

The Dark Side

The projects have to be funded somehow... I have a friend in Tate, Georgia that sells used hearses. I get one from him, paint it, put on wheels, cut out the interior and put in a rear seat. And I add lots of skulls and other trinkets. I drive it around for a while and later sell it at a great profit. Hey, nobody ever died in a hearse! Man, they sure are fun on Halloween! I have done 6 cars so far, these are pics of two of them.

Halloween is One Eyed Willie's birthday! You might remember him from the movie "The Goonies", where Willie played himself, a skeleton of a pirate.

My crotch rocket and accompanying river rocket.

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